The Meaning of the Word Agape

The word “agape” is Greek in origin, and is found in many places in the original text of the bible. This unique word, when translated to English, means selfless love. Throughout the bible, there are different words used in different instances of talking about love. There is not one blanket term used to describe all […]

Making a Recovery through Altruism

Altruism, or selflessness, is a quality that greatly benefits the world. However, the benefits to the person exercising selfless love should not be overlooked. People invest fortunes into fixing their mental health problems and trying to achieve perfect peace, all the while the truest path to peace and to becoming whole is through serving others. […]

Treating Addiction and Disorder with Agape

The practice of agape, or selfless love, offers as many rewards to the one practicing it as it does to the one receiving it. Being selfless is very good for a person on many levels. It actually works to restore a person’s mental health and make them whole. This is why it is a recommended […]

Addiction Treatment and Agape

People with mental disorders and addictions can help fight their illnesses by practicing agape, or selfless love. Incidentally, agape is something that should be present within addiction treatment as well. People can commit to addiction treatment expecting to encounter agape in their counselors and facilitators because treatment is far more effective when this quality is […]